Fat Dissolving
A lot of men and women struggle with a double chin. Even if you’re relatively fit and healthy, fat tends to collect in this area. This can leave you feeling self- conscious and completely change the shape of your face.
According to recent research, 66% of women find double chin to be the top concern in the facial area. After all, your face is probably the first thing that other people see, and a double chin is an unsightly addition to that first impression. For a long time, the only treatment option for a double chin was surgery. However, this has all changed because of recent medical advances. If you struggle with a double chin, here are some of the options that are available.
What Causes a Double Chin?
A double chin is caused by a layer of fat that gathers underneath the chin and looks a bit like a small pouch. It can be very difficult to eliminate a double chin once it appears, though there are several exercises you can try.
The following issues can contribute to your double chin:
Age: As the skin ages, it loses elasticity, which means it hangs loosely and gives the appearance of a double chin.
Genetics: If people in your family tend to have a double chin then it’s more likely that you will too.
Weight gain: If you’re overweight or obese, this will add to the amount of extra fat all over your body, including under your chin.
Poor posture: Your neck and chin are surrounded and supported by muscles. If your posture is bad, this can make the muscles in this area weaker and cause the skin to lose its elasticity, creating a double chin.
Non-surgical Treatment: Fat-Dissolving Injections For Chin Sculpting
With the latest non-surgical double chin techniques available, we can target unwanted fat in the submental area (also known as ‘double chin’) without the need to for a surgical procedure.
For a long time, the only way to fix a double chin was to have surgery. This can be an extremely effective treatment option, but it also carries the same risks as any other type of surgery.
Liposuction, which removes the offending fat directly from the area.
Face lift, where the fat and loose skin are removed and pulled tight.
Neck lift, which encompasses several different types of surgeries which can remove the extra skin or tighten the neck muscles.
But, there are now non-surgical treatments which will help eliminate a double chin and one of the most effective is fat dissolving injections with Belkyra. Belkyra is made of deoxycholic acid, which is a naturally occurring acid in the body that digests fat. When it’s injected into a double chin it literally dissolves the fat cells and results in the area becoming tighter and smaller.